

Tsukuba Expo Center had been closed for 2021.1.9-2.9 in cooperation with the statement of emergency from Ibaraki Prefecture. However, Tsukuba Expo Center opened on 2021.2.10 in consideration of the future policy of Ibaraki Prefecture and our measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The special exhibition reported here has already ended, but please enjoy reports and videos by TIS (Tsukuba International School) high school students.


We will post an event at Tsukuba Expo Center by TIS (Tsukuba International School) high school students. This time, “Let’s experience! The magic of light (2020.10.31-2021.2.7)”

TIS(Tsukuba International School)の高校生による、つくばエキスポセンターのイベント投稿。今回は、企画展「体験しよう!光のマジック(2020.10.31-2021.2.7)」です。

High School Student’s Perspective1 : Rainbow string/fan thing

The last time we visited the Tsukuba Expo Center, we got the opportunity to explore the special light exhibition! It was full of interactive booths and activities for us to play around and learn from. Each activity was based on scientific research, which fascinated us.


高校生レポート1 : 虹色のひも・うちわ

エキスポセンターに行った時に企画展にお邪魔してみました!インタラクティブなブース や興味深いアクティビティが満載で、遊びながら学ぶことができました。どのアクティビティも科学的な研究に基づいたもので、私たちを魅了していました。

High School Student’s Perspective2 : Playing with the booths

Visiting the Expo Center, we got to experience various interactive exhibits that include interactive virtual reality, that uses sensory detective technologies. Not only was it pleasurable, but was an educational opportunity. In our opinion, we highly recommend others to go visit during their free hours!


高校生レポート2 : 展示ブースで遊ぶ


High School Student’s Perspective3 : Expo blocks

Our visit to the Expo Center was eventful and full of many new and interesting educational experiences. All while enjoying the various illusion and virtual reality exhibits, there are guides that will take you through the scientific process that goes into the scientific display. Additionally, we got the opportunity to watch a show about the winter constellations in the planetarium, it was definitely an experience we would never forget. Corona precautions are also taken by the Expo Center, and we consider it a safe place to visit especially in a pandemic situation. We highly recommend that students and adults visit the Expo Center, as it is a once in a lifetime experience.


高校生レポート3 : 積み木でEXPO
教育的な知識が遊び気分で得ることができたとても貴重な経験でした!コロナウイルスの対策もしっかり取っていてお子様連れの家族も安心して利用できると思います。様々なイリュージョンやバーチャルリアリティの展示を楽しみながら、展示の中で行われている科学的なプロセスの説明があるのでわかりやすいです。また、プラネタリウムでは 冬の星座のショーを見ることができました。世界最大級のプラネタリウムで見られる今まで見たのとは違う景色が楽しめました。

  • トップ
  • 企画展「体験しよう!光のマジック」